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Summer News 2022

Introducing SanRex triac-lines: TG- and TMG-series
Summer 2022 Edition

There is a large variety of home appliances that surround all of us in our everyday life. Most of them rely their operation on power semiconductors on the smaller side of the spectrum: triacs. Many of them also share very similar demands on the electrical characteristics of a triac, some of the most common requirements of this application including: 


High Tj (max) (150°C) 

→ Our triacs can handle high temperatures for intensive use.


High current capability 

→ Starting from 1 A, all the way up to 70 A Tj (max) 150°C 

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No malfunction, irregularities of voltage are controlled by our triac  

Smaller heat sinking and compactness 

→ With one of the biggest chips on the market, the size of the heat sink can be minimized.


Varying selection of products for specific needs

→ Different packages like SMD, Tab terminal and Through-hole-packages as well as 3 quadrant, High Tj(max) and Sensitive gate -type of triacs available, supporting both isolated and non-isolated models.

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Low EMI 

 → Very high capability of withstanding EMI is one of the most important features in home appliance application. Our triacs offer both high dv/dt immunity and high di/dt capability to minimize the unwanted electromagnetic interference. This also allows use of only a smaller snubber, or no snubber at all. 



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Malfunction, current and the voltage are irregular.  

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SanRex-made products include a chip with a mesa-type glass passage structure that guarantees a high voltage withstand capability and in case of a voltage breakdown, the resistance capacity is strong.


As for the wire-bonding of the chip, the overall number, thickness and number of junction points of the wires are increased and have excellent surge current withstand capability.


Our triacs also have better availability on the market compared to other similar products.


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